
Saturday, May 26, 2012

XL Event Report: Spring & Heels Bloggers Party ❤

After months and months of planning, deliberating, sending emails and promoting, the Spring & Heels Bloggers Party was finally here! Yesterday was the big day! For me and the other planners the party even started a few hours before the event, as we went grocery shopping and getting everything ready. We were so excited and couldn't wait to meet all the bloggers.

Enjoy the pictures.
DELICIOUS cupcakes made by Jen

We had delicious and colorful vanilla & chocolate flavored cupcakes, cute sandwiches, chocolate chip cookies, candy and cold beverages. 

Besides sitting down, chatting and laughing with each other, we had come up with a few activities for the bloggers to socialize in a fun way. The first one was a Fashion & Beauty Quiz. We asked the bloggers 20 questions and the ones with the highest score got a lovely scarf that was sponsored by Loved by Blanche. Congratulations to Daphne & Rozanne!
This was me keeping the score of our first activity: The Fashion & Beauty Quiz!
Our second activity was one where the bloggers in groups of 2 or 3, had to create one outfit from items in two Fashionista magazines and in one Grazia magazine. The theme was Fashion week, and the bloggers had to think about the complete look, so the outfit, the hair, the makeup, the shoes and the accessories. They were so excited, which made us even more excited! We gave them about a half an hour to get cutting, get sticking and get creative. The looks they came up with was so great, but unfortunately only one group could be the winner. 
Group1 :Jamie, Anouk & Rozanne 
Group 2: Carre & Daphne
Group 3: Dianthe & Fenna
After the creating time was up, we let each group present their look. And afterwards me, Gia, Jen and Omaily went at the back to deliberate about all the looks and chose the winner. 
The judges all agreed that group 3 (blue paper) was the WINNER! We loved how they combined all the different patterns and still make it look good all together! Congratulations to Fenna & Dianthe. They also got to choose a Loved by Blanche scarf.
We had one scarf left over, but 3 girls that didn't win one yet. So we decided to raffle it. Gia thought of a number and the girl that guessed it first got it!
Carre guessed it first! 
The time went by so fast, so when it was almost time to go, we gave all the bloggers a little goodiebag as: 'A BIG THANK YOU' for coming! Luckily they were so happy with it. 
Our sweet Thank You note!
New blogger friends: Fenna, Dianthe, Daphne, Carre, Anouck, Rozanne & Jamie
After it was time for url-sharing and before the goodbyes, we took one group photo to remember this event by! I want to sincerely thank everyone that was part of this whole event. Thank you to all the sponsors: Diewilikhebben, LovedbyBlanche, My-Jewellery, DeSchoenenkastWear for Love, and Fashionista! Thank you to all the bloggers that attended (some of them had to travel from afar!): Carre, Daphne, Jamie, Anouk, Rozanne, Fenna & Dianthe. And especially a thank you to Omaily, Gianni & Jen! I could have never done this event (and probably pass for my assignment) without any of them. 
To all the bloggers that did pay for their ticket, but didn't show up..please let us hear from you! is everything okay?, was there a problem with public transport? or couldn't you find the place? Please send us an e-mail ;)

InStyle EventCrew: Jen, Omaily, Me & Gia

We received so many emails and tweets from bloggers asking if we are planning to organize another bloggers event, since they couldn't make it to this one. And the answer is, we would love too. But for right now, we can't promise anything yet. But we will try our best to do so, we would love to meet other bloggers ;)

Overall the event was a big success, we got to meet other bloggers, other bloggers got to meet other bloggers and socialize.. and that was the main point of our event. I am so satisfied and even more EXHAUSTED! But it was all worth it.  


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  1. lovely event id love to go to some sort of blogger event myself i dont know anyone yet haha

  2. love the outfits gurllsss !!

  3. Ziet er gezellig uit! :)
    Wil je elkaar volgen? Ik begin nu al

  4. Awesome idea! Great way to get to know everybody :) Plus everything looks so yummy!

    1. Yes thank you, it was definitely yummy! and it's indeed so nice to meet other bloggers :D

  5. ziet eruit als een hele leuke dag! Mooie ketting heb je om!


Thank you for leaving me comments! I love reading them as they are the highlights of my day :) Please don't be a stranger, I would love to see your pretty faces again soon ♥