
Thursday, June 28, 2012

I'm an EBAY Newbie ❤

By now it's no secret that I am a serious shopaholic. I mean, I literally can not go a week without at least buying something fashion-related in stores or online. It has become a serious problem, one that I do not want help with LOL. I have been snooping around Ebay for so long now, but I never really got to the point of actually making a purchase. The paranoia inside of me never really trusted Ebay all that much. But after seeing tons and tons of Ebay wishlists on blogs, I decided to give it a try! Great news for my big fashion heart, bad news for my bank account. My Ebay watchlist seems to get longer and longer every week.

Check out my very first buy: 
Buyer: Realfashion2012
How I would love to style these print leggings:
Note: the legging used in this polyvore set is from here.
What do you think about my leggings? And do you buy from Ebay a lot?

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  1. Cutee !!
    & welcome to the EBAY club !
    I'm waiting for my bikini from that site XD

  2. i have never bought from ebay simply because i am scarred just like u wur but am considerig it


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