
Saturday, June 16, 2012

Shopping Night Haul ❤

Last Thursday was Shopping Night in the Hague as there was sale everywhere and almost all stores were open till midnight. I just had to take advantage of all the sales! Unfortunately (or is it luckily?) the sale wasn't all that impressive to me. I could hardly find items I liked. Such a bummer :(
 This BEAUTIFUL blue necklace and pink & glitter clutch were from H&M. I had such a hard time deciding which necklace I would take home with me as there were honestly so many to choose from. I first had my eyes set on this turquoise beads necklace (know which one I'm talking about?), but after seeing a few of them already torn, I decided to go with this blue one. 
This simple top from H&M was the only thing I got on sale! And the reasons why I bought it was 1. it has that drop armhole trend that I like so much  :D and 2. I'm planning to do such a fun DIY with it. Can't wait to show you that.
I also wanted these bright neon shoes from New Look sooo bad, but they didn't have my size (AGAIN!!!) :(

 What do you think of my haul?

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  1. Very cool purchases!

    Love the necklace.

  2. Love them all :))

    Kisses from :)


Thank you for leaving me comments! I love reading them as they are the highlights of my day :) Please don't be a stranger, I would love to see your pretty faces again soon ♥