
Friday, July 27, 2012

A Dinner Night with Curacao Bloggers ❤

In my previous blogpost I blogged about the lovely day I had with fellow Curacao bloggers and how we made plans to meet up again some time soon. Yesterday we went to dinner at this grill restaurant, where we ate some super delicious food and had an awesome time. It's so great to know that together we can talk to about more than just fashion and beauty. 

Check out the photos taken yesterday...
My super delicious Chicken Sate with French Fries dish!
Stunning Ladies from left to right: Fashion, Beauty + More | Purfict Shade of Brown | Shades of Sexy Little Things | Young CuraGlam | Confessions of this Shopaholic | Everything Glamz! | GlamorousGia
Here's my outfit of the night!
Pink Vest - Unknown, Basic Black Top - Unknown, Peace Leggings - New Look 
Pink Cross Ring - Looking Good Today, Bow Ring - Forever21, Envelope Clutch - H&M
Shoes: got these as a present from my dad yesterday :D
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  1. how great!you all look great!lovely outfit.i love the colour combo and the shoes.

  2. I like your pants! They are too cute! So fun that you guys have meetups there!

    Shasie of Live Life in Style
    Enter my Beauty Giveaway


Thank you for leaving me comments! I love reading them as they are the highlights of my day :) Please don't be a stranger, I would love to see your pretty faces again soon ♥