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Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Love for Print Leggings ❤

When I started unpacking my suitcase, I realized I have quite a large collection of leggings. I mean, why wouldn't I? They are so comfortable and basically go with anything (and I love how they make my butt look lol) Then I saw I also had a few print leggings laying around. I never noticed how I have developed a huge love for those. Gotta enlarge this collection very soon!
peace: New Look | cross: Ebay | aztec: Gift from my cousin | aztec: Monki
I love how you can wear leggings either if you're going for a casual look, a sporty look or even a bit dressy. Heels, flats, sneakers, booties. Top, blouse, blazer, bralet. All is possible. What I personally will  never do is wear a legging with a skirt on top of it. Even though it's very casual in Holland. 
Since the third legging is still very new, I don't have a picture with it yet. But as for the other ones, you can check my outfits here, here, here and here

These are more leggings I'm dying to add into my closet.
PS. have you seen the 'Penis Leggings' from Dutch designer Bas Kosters? It's so hilarious and very daring. Would you wear it?

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  1. wtffffffff nowaaaaaaay looooooool that be akward

  2. We love printed leggings, for us it's all about Black Milk & Lovelysally!

    The Style Rawr!

  3. Ik heb ook een zwak voor printleggings!

  4. It would be very uncomfortable walking around with that many penises on your body XD

    Cristina's Fashion Sense

    1. Hahahaha I laughed really hard at your comment! XD

  5. It would be awkward for men to wear them. And I do find it comfortable enough for the girls. Cristina is indeed funny though. Why she came to think about that?


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